Secrets on The Lake | Blog

The Lakehouse

In 1992 both Cath and Rob were enrollled at UQ and to support them George worked 4 days a week at his brother’s business Sid’s Colonial in West End Brisbane. Sid’s sold new and second hand doors and materials to repair Old Queenslanders. George was home 3 days a week,...

The Whistle Stop is turning 30 years old… for the second time!

Secrets on the Lake is the undisputed jewel in the crown of the Sunshine Coast hinterland’s accommodation retreats. It has been an iconic family business for 30 years now since first opening our doors with The Whistle Stop in 1994?. And like any family… all 5 of us...

The Perfect Annual Holiday

We all need a break sometimes. It’s a fast-paced world and it doesn’t stop spinning just because we get weary and a little worn down at times. But a getaway needs to be more than just four walls and a bed. It needs to include more than just a place to stay. It’s about...